Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolution, and I guess relaunch for a blog nobody reads

Alright, So to be perfectly honest, I don't remember writing either of those posts below. They kind of sound like me though... Anyway, my new years resolution was to write more on this here blog, and I totally plan to. I mean, I already know nobody reads this thing here. And yes, I'm totally sure, I'm not just being self deprecating, there's actually a thing that tells you how many readers you have. I'll write down exactly what I expect here, I'll be specific, so that I'll be less likely to fuck off and forget about this.

1. Write down at least two posts a week, one before wednesday, that way I won't write down two quick bullshitty things on saturday night at 1am

2. Be completely honest. This entire thing is meant as a place to put down my thoughts, and not have them bouncing around my head forever. Alright, it won't be perfectly honest, I don't think, cause damnned if I know whether I truly believe what I think cause my mind is like some big twisted knot of rationalizations and self delusions, and almost all the time I don't even know what's going up there in truth, but I'll try my best

3. okay, I'd be lying if I didn't say that some weird part of me wishes that hopes for this to be some huge success and in a year I'll have 12 billion readers and they'll all worship me and hang on my every word, but... I'll just stop there

4. Apologize less. This has mostly nothing to do with the blog in general, it's best to have this stuff DOWN somewhere

5. Oh, and be better at making up titles. And edit things less after I'm done. I mean, reread everything I've finished, make sure it's a complete though so that 2 seconds after I leave I won't be thinking, OH SHIT I FORGOT SOMETHING and then coming back to change it.

6. And I've already broken #5, but whatever. Make sure to try to do tags more. And say exactly when plan to write the next one by. Yeah, this is kind of related to #1, but again, I'm making sure I have it down somewhere

7. Say "I dunno" less

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