Saturday, January 2, 2010

The todo list

Okay, I'll put this here now, since I'm not really sure where else to put it: A list of topics a want to cover, in case I have no idea what to write that week. This one doesn't count for the 2 for next week, cause that would just be me being a lazy ass, and I completely forgot to say this yesterday, but I want to have the next one done by Wednesday. There. it's there. Oh, also, this isn't complete, and will probably be added to or changed or whatever, I'm just putting it here for now, though I'm not sure whether I'll actually do it. anonymity, on this blog and not

Family(dmgb), friends, love, sex, honesty, what I do, what I want to do, what I believe, what I don't, what annoys me, what I love, plans for this, insomnia, failure, what i've done, self deprecation, "apologies", "I dunno", wangst, cycles as to how I think and feel, guilt, embarrassment, being happy, a more deeper explanation of how I think and feel and my kind of ideas as to how everyone thinks and feels, reading, writing, todo lists, fashion, a long way down, schedules, blogs, keeping track or things in general, work, gifts, comics, waste, excuses and rationalizations, bravery and fear, what I want personality wise, being smart, being stupid, being sheltered

Hrm.. this seems like a bit of a short list. Last night when I was trying to sleep it seemed like I had a trillion things to write about. But now... Well anyway, like I said, I plan to keep adding to this list whenever I think of things

Oh, and this list needs to be added to. This is a personal note to one of my readers, my only reader (ahem heather), but if it ever seems like this blog becomes especially rambling or like the rantings of a madman, I want you to let me know. Or if it becomes the things I'm confessing to, which are like the entire point of this, seem especially trival or stupid.

Actually, that should go for everyone, in any hypothetical future for like if I have like more than 10 readers. And should go for everything, like, if my grammar pisses you off. Unless for some reason I get on some insanely huge site and become popular (unlikely), in which case... never email me. I don't want to read like a trillion emails a day and I'm sure my guilty concision with make me.

Edit: so I like changed my mind. This WILL count as my post for next week, cause there's more not-list than list, but I'll probably do one anyway. Okay, so maybe this seems like a super minor distinction, and probably counts towards the whole "rambling" kind of thing, but it's an important distinction, for like, you know, if I get hit by a car or something. I don't want to fuck up my new years resolutions in that case. Actually, I think I'd probably give myself a free pass anyway in that case. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to give myself a single free pass cause then that would set a bad precedent cause then I would probably take any random excuses for things

Okay, so I already failed two of my resolutions, the whole "don't edit posts after I'm finished writing them" and the other "don't apologize". well, I didn't exactly apologize this time, but I really should avoid long unnecessary paragraphs of explaining myself when it's unnecessary and like maybe 50% just wanted to sound cute by changing my mind all the time. I don't even know why I would think that looks cute.

Come to think of it, I really should stick to my time schedules, stick to it like clockwork. If I write out new things to post, do drafts instead.

This is getting long. Also, I write like a schizophrenic. probably the result of the thing I promised I wouldn't do

Also, I should make a list of things I need to do to improve the blog. First of all, Better Titles. maybe thematically of stylistically linked. make some fucking tags. Better system for my lists. Editing posts is annoying
My next post will be WEDNESDAY

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